1️⃣If you don't have a crypto wallet
If you don't have a crypto wallet.
Follow the link - https://app.openbisea.com/managewallet.
Select "Create Wallet".
Before create wallet, you have to save 12 or 24 words mnemonic phrase. Mnemonic phrases come into their own in the event that your wallet is lost, stolen or ends up getting damaged. That’s because it gives you a second chance to retrieve cryptocurrencies that would otherwise be lost. Select "Click to copy" to save your phrase. End next select "Submit."
Select "Submit" also.
For some blockchains you will do additional steps. Here is:
Follow the link - https://wallet.near.org/
Click Import Existing Account.
Then Click Recover Account.
And enter the phrase you received from OpenBiSea. And Click "Found account" and Dismiss.
Then Click "Deposit NEAR" to buy NEAR and choose NearPay.
And buy NEAR for the after purchase of our NFTs. Then Click Proceed
Copy your Wallet address.
Enter Wallet address and Click "Confirm and Proceed".
Enter an email address to create your NearPay account. And buy Near.
Last updated